The start of the additional training program in family medicine (PAT) for the school year 2024/2025 was officially announced. Participants of this year's program: 14 teams from Primary Health Care Centers (PHCC) of Canton Sarajevo, two teams from the Health Care Institute for the Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Canton Sarajevo, and one team each from PHCC Konjic and the SaNaSa Polyclinic. Diplomas were ceremoniously presented to community nurses who completed the training in community nursing.

This training is extremely important, as it consists of a theoretical and practical part with the constant presence of a supervisor. The improvement of family medicine is the most important for the proper functioning of primary health care.

Both the theoretical and practical parts will last 120 hours each. 30 hours are planned for the family medicine team meetings and 60 hours for the assignments. 15 hours are allocated for the work on quality, safety and accreditation assignment and same number of hours is allocated for the work on the public health assignment. Work with mentors in dispensaries will also take up 15 hours. 23 teaching units were prepared for 34 participants.