Component B - Expansion of community nursing 

During the first and second phases, the project supported the development of community nursing services in 22 municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina in collaboration with key partners. In contrast to the previous two phases, in which the project assisted with field implementation, in the third phase the project will (i) coordinate the activities of expanding the model to additional municipalities by involving all available human resources previously trained in CN (trained coordinators, trainers and mentors), (ii) provide follow-up to 22 municipalities from previous project phases in order to ensure sustainability of improved CN services and (iii) support further municipalities willing to develop community nursing services for their population on their own.

Awarding of Certificates

A ceremony to award Federal Ministry of Health issued Certificates to 15 nurses from West Herzegovina Canton who successfully completed additional training in community nursing was held at the Educational Center of the Primary Health Care Center Grude.

Expanding the Cooperation

In order to improve the quality and accessibility of health care services in the community, especially for vulnerable and socially excluded groups, there was an initiative to expand cooperation to 10 additional municipalities in Republika Srpska.

Additional Training

Training for 35 nurses has started at the Educational Center of the Primary Health Care
Center (PHCC) Tuzla.