The SDC's ten-year commitment to strengthening the nursing profession in Bosnia and Herzegovina has resulted in a number of significant achievements. With the continued support of numerous partners, especially from the health sector, the foundations for the further development of nursing have been laid. Although significant results have been achieved, additional work is needed to integrate project’s achievements into the health system, i.e. implement them in everyday nursing practice.

To achieve the project objectives, it is crucial to improve certain aspects. Identified areas for improvement include:

1. Lack of data on the nursing profession, such as the number of nurses, educational level, licensing and specialization, current employment, age structure and migration. These data are crucial for planning the nursing workforce and responding to the needs of this profession.
2. Insufficient recognition of the contribution of nurses by the health system and the public.
3. Limited recognition and funding of community nursing services, especially polyvalent patronage.
4. Continuous education and professional development programs for nurses are not systematized.
5. Unclear difference in competencies between nurses with different educational levels  (secondary, higher and university-level). Job descriptions are inadequate, the licensing system is not standardized, which limits the ability of nurses to fully utilize their potential.
6. Lack of leadership and management skills among nurses, which makes them poorly represented in management structures, without sufficient influence on decision-making.

Project purpose

The project objectives can be summarized as follows:

1. Improving the effectiveness of nursing services delivered in BIH. In particular, primary health care will be improved through community nursing services aimed at vulnerable and socially excluded groups in at least 55 municipalities.
2. Strengthening capacities of BIH institutions to govern nursing services, with special emphasis on community nursing services.
3. Integration of the project's achievement into regular health authorities and further stakeholders’ activities.

Project components

The project relies on integrated interventions in three interconnected components:

Component A: Nursing professional environment
Component B: Expansion of community nursing
Component C: Development of nurses’ management and leadership capabilities

The project's role

The project primarily acts as a facilitator, providing technical support and ensuring quality control for local institutions and partners in the process of implementing changes. However, the project directly participates in activities where local expertise is lacking or where the transfer of international knowledge is particularly useful.

The project is implemented throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina – in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska and the Brcko District – and will last until 30 November 2026.