Nurses professional environment

Nurses professional environment in Bosnia and Herzegovina will be improved via regulatory mechanisms which, among the rest,
include forming live register of nurses’ work force, developing standard operating procedures and obligatory nursing documentation for all levels of health care, expanding the existing list of nursing services and supporting development of nurses associations.

The Book of Professional Competences in Nursing

The Book of Professional Competences in Nursing was presented to PHCC Dom zdravlja Prnjavor, PHCC Dom zdravlja Doboj and PHCC Dom zdravlja Teslic.

Book Piloting Process

At the meeting hosted by Bijeljina Primary Health Care Center (PHCC) it was agreed to include this health institution in piloting of the Book of Professional Competencies in Nursing Care.

Book of Professional Competencies

The first working meeting was held in Grude with
representatives of the Primary Health Care Centers Ljubuski, Posusje, Grude and
Siroki Brijeg.