The first Registry of health workers with secondary and higher education in the field of nursing was presented today in Banja Luka as a unique information system of the nursing workforce in Republika Srpska.

Alen Seranic, Minister of Health and Social Welfare, pointed out that the Nursing Registry is an important tool that will enable development of nursing profession. "This is a record of nurses in Republika Srpska, not only in terms of numbers, but also their professional qualifications and competences that they possess within their health institutions. This is important to us in in terms of standardization of nursing service," Minister Seranic stated.

These data are necessary for redistribution of nurses within the system and the health institutions where they are positioned, in case of need, but also as a guideline to medical faculties when organizing education in this profession.

The first nurse entered into the Registry is the Head Nurse of the Clinic for Cardiac Surgery of the University Clinical Center of Republika Srpska, Smilja Marinkovic, who said that the nurses had been waiting for this registry for a long time. "I invite all my colleagues to register, because the Registry is an important information system, that will provide an insight into the number of nurses with higher and secondary education," said Marinkovic.

Uspostavljanje Registra sestrinstva u Republici Srpskoj dio je Projekta jačanja sestrinstva u BiH, koji sprovode Ministarstvo zdravlja i Fondacija “Fami” uz pomoć Vlade Švajcarske.

Zamjenik šefa misije i direktor za saradnju Ambasade Švajcarske u BiH  Siroco Messerli istakao je da je Švajcarska najveći donator u zdravstvenom sektoru u BiH, te više od 20 godina podržava zdravstveni sistem u ispunjavanju evropskih standarda i unapređenju primarne zdravstvene zaštite. “Poseban fokus naše saradnje je podrška medicinskim sestrama i tehničarima i njihovom radu. Registar sestrinstva važna je prekretnica jer će olakšati organizaciju radne snage i ispunjavanje standarda”, naveo je Messerli.