End of life care at home is a key part of our community nurses work. In order to improve their competencies in this specific area, we organized two-day training for 26 nurses from Primary Health Care Center of Sarajevo Canton, and three primary health care centers of Bosnian-Podrinje Canton: Gorazde, Praca and Ustikolina.
This training is part of continuous professional development in the field of nursing care. Participants had the opportunity to learn about:
• Theoretical foundations of palliative care,
• Holistic, interdisciplinary and interinstitutional approach to patients and families,
• Prevention of professional burnout,
• Numerous other segments of palliative care.
The lecturer was Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sci. Mirza Oruc, a recognized expert in this field, who further enriched the training with his knowledge and experience.
We would like to thank all participants for their engagement and dedication to improving the quality of community nursing!