Representatives of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of Republika Srpska and Fami Foundation monitored the provision of community nursing services at the Primary Health Care Center Prijedor, one of the first primary health care institutions in Republika Srpska strengthened to provide these services as part of Strengthening Nursing in BiH project.

"You have given us the competences and empowered us continue and take on more responsibilities and competences in the field, which is invaluable when working with patients, especially with the elderly population," deem the nurses at this institution.

They emphasize that they use all the resources they received within this project on a daily basis, which includes a car for home visits, nursing bags and a fully equipped nursing room. They also point out a training that around 30 nurses of the institution went through.

It was noted that the role of nurses at the primary health care level is already changing drastically and community nursing has no alternative.

Assistant Minister of Health Milan Latinovic and Manager of Strengthening Nursing in BiH project Eldin Fiseković praised Primary Health Care Center Prijedor and its employees for their dedication to work and implementation of the community nursing model in their setting and emphasized that it is important that all relevant stakeholders in this local community be included in this model in the coming period.