Representatives of Gradiska town, Kozarska Dubica, Kostajnica and Novi Grad municipalities, as well as the directors of primary health care centers and social work centers in these places on 3rd July 2024 signed mutual cooperation agreements to improve the provision of community nursing services, within the framework of the Strengthening Nursing in Bosnia and Herzegovina project supported by the Government of Switzerland.

These agreements imply a new level of networking and mutual cooperation, as well as a new concept of providing community nursing services in these municipalities and towns. The goal is to visit patients and provide nursing care in their homes, especially to the most vulnerable. In the course of Strengthening Nursing in Bosnia and Herzegovina project, significant progress has been made in nursing. Now that equipment and resources have been secured the emphasis should be placed on community nursing.

We especially point out the local communities that undertook this important task in this project phase. The aging population, single households, and living in remote rural areas are key characteristics of the current users of community nursing services. In order to ensure the availability of these services to members of these and other numerous socially excluded categories of the population in their local communities, strong interinstitutional cooperation is required, primarily between health and social sectors.