In cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Health, a meeting with representatives of relevant ministries of Tuzla and Posavina Cantons took place. An implementation plan of activities for improvement nursing care in the selected municipalities was presented
Strengthening Nursing in BiH project has so far supported the development of community nursing services in 12 municipalities. Project activities include, among other things, the organization of additional trainings for nurses in the field of community nursing, the procurement of necessary equipment for community nursing, and the community nurses office equipping within health centers.
In the next phase, this model will be expanded to 50 new municipalities that have expressed willingness to improve community nursing services. The training begins on February 12, 2025 and will take place at Educational Center of Primary Health Care Center Tuzla.
Thanks to separately organized health care services, nurses are more independent, have more time for preventive and promotional work and focus on the entire family and local community.