Hope, support, learning, strength, experience, fellowship, trust, solution, safety. These are just some of the words nurses used to describe their experiences during the final evaluation of "Introducing Supervision into the Health Care System at the University Clinical Center of Republika Srpska" within Strengthening Nursing in BiH project, implemented by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of Republika Srpska and Fami Foundation with the support of the Government of Switzerland.
Supervision, introduced for the first time in our country, represents professional support important for nurses’ empowerment as a prevention of professional burnout.
Supervision strengthens both the personal and professional capacities of professionals to perform professional practice.
In this way, they are emotionally relieved, the quality of their work improved, they become more satisfied and through the exchange of experiences gain personal development and advancement.
After completing the supervision cycle, the participants assessed that it helped them increase their work motivation and the quality of future work.
Supervision at the UCC RS was held in two six months cycles and a total of 84 nurses underwent this process with the support of four supervisors.