The ProSes representatives participated at the 11th International Scientific Conference “Inter-Professional Integration at Different Levels of Healthcare: Trends, Needs and Challenges” held on 7 June 2018 in Bled, Slovenia.

The conference was organized by the Faculty of Health Care Angela Boskin from Jasenice, Slovenia and under the auspices of the Nurses and Midwives Association of Slovenia. The conference was attended by diverse experts in healthcare from many countries, considering that the conference focus was exactly on the importance of inter-professional collaboration in providing quality and safe health care.

The results of the latest research studies related to ageing population, chronic diseases, health management, nursing care, education system, health promotion and physiotherapy were presented in 46 conference papers. The consultants of the ProSes Component 3, Ms. Duska Jovic and Ms. Mediha Avdic, presented the results of the assessment of the needs for additional training of clinical mentors at the faculties with nursing studies in BiH from the year 2015.

The conference was a great opportunity to make contacts with the experts in the field of nursing that will be collaborating with ProSes in  Phase 2 of  Component 3 related to the improvement of the formal nurse education.

Additional information:

Conference Programe - PDF document
Presentation - PDF document