Three entity-level working groups devoted to the improvement of formal nursing education have been formed in the first year of project Phase 1.
WG for harmonization of the first nursing study cycle curriculum with EU standards
The University Dzemal Bijedic in Mostar has joined the higher educational institutions in Banjaluka, Prijedor, Tuzla and Sarajevo
that revised their first study cycle nursing curricula during project Phase 1. The Working Group composed of the representatives of the Nursing Study Program of Dzemal Bijedic University and the ministries of education and health of Herzegovina-Neretva Canton has been tasked to align the first study cycle nursing curriculum with EU standards. That process implies also the definition of learning objectives, outcome and competencies, as well as the increase of the total number of study hours until the minimal 4,600, out of which the practical training makes 2,300 hours.
WG for harmonization of the second nursing study cycle curriculum with EU standards
The process of aligning nursing study curricula with EU Directives has been extended to the revision of the second study cycle
curricula. Entity-level working groups include the representatives of all the public higher educational facilities with existing second cycle of nursing studies (Banjaluka, Foca, Mostar, Sarajevo, Tuzla, Zenica), as well as the relevant entity and cantonal ministries of education and health.
Working groups for secondary nurse education reform
Previous endeavours to improve nurse education in higher educational facilities have been extended to secondary-level education as well. Entity-level working groups have the assignment to give recommendations for the knowledge, skills and competencies that should be gained at secondary education level and curricula modernization, and to develop an action and transition plan for the transformation of nurse secondary education.