ProSes Conference Participation Grants

Application guide and forms


By offering financial grants, ProSes intends to support nurses to gain potential benefits of participating in  conferences (information exchange, networking, continuing education and skill development, career and professional advancement), thus facilitating capacity building of nurses in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

How to apply

Applicants can apply by sending the original application documentation by post to the Fondacija fami address: Fondacija fami, Visegradska 24, 71000 Sarajevo. The application should be written in one of the three official languages in BiH (local and regional conferences), or in English (international conferences) and should contain the following:

·  Information about the applicant and all the relevant information/documentation related to the conference as specified in Form 1
·  estimated total costs and the requested amount of financial support as specified in Form 2
·  motivation letter
·  curriculum vitae
·  abstract as submitted to the conference organizer


To be eligible for the ProSes Conference Grant, applicants should meet the following criteria: 

·  All the above requested documentation should be submitted by the closing date
·  The applicant should be a nurse from Bosnia and Herzegovina
·  The applicant should have a sufficient knowledge of the official conference language (the conference paper written in the official language of the conference and the certificate proving the official language knowledge to be submitted)
·  The conference should be primarily or partially related to nursing
·  The abstract has not been presented at other conferences
·  The applicant has not received ProSes grants in the last 12 months
·  In the case of earlier ProSes grant use, the applicant fulfilled all the tasks and responsibilities defined by the Contract and Terms of References.

In the event that it is not possible to support all candidates in the amount stipulated by the guide, candidates will receive lower amount than requested in order to support as many candidates as possible.

A process of selecting and informing the applicants

ProSes Conference Grants Committee for allocation of grants for participation in nurses’ conferences (hereafter, Conference Grants Committee) makes selection of the candidates.

The selection of the candidates and allocation of the grant support are carried out following evaluation of all received applications for a certain grant period, based on the eligibility criteria.

The applicants will be informed about the decision of the Conference Grants Committee by e-mail and the list of grant beneficiaries that will be publicly available on ProSes web page within 15 days after the application deadline. 

Application deadlines

Applications should be submitted by the below listed deadlines.

When selecting one of the following grant periods to apply, the applicants should be aware of the fact that the list of selected
grant beneficiaries will be available 15 days after the deadline. 

Conference Date

Application Submission

Selection Process

Decision Delivery
After 1st April
1 January-28 February
1-15 March
15th March
After 1st June
1 March-30 April
1-15 May
15th May
After 1st August
1 May- 30 June
1-15 July
15th July
After 1st October
1 July-31 August
1-15 September
15th September
After 1st December
1 September-31 October
1-15 November
15th November
After 1st February
1 November-31 December
1-15 January
15th January

Jan Feb Mart Apr May June July Avg Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb
conference date

application submission
selection process

Funding information

Grant amount that can be requested:
·  Up to 80% of eligible costs out of total estimated costs OR
at the most 1,500BAM (for international conferences) and 600BAM (for local and regional conferences)                                                   (whatever limitation is reached first).

Upon the discretion of the Conference Grant Committee, a higher amount can be granted in exceptional cases.

Types of eligible costs:

·  Travel and lodging expenses (economy class)
·  Conference fee (based on early bird fee if available)
·  Poster printing

Responsibilities of grant recipients

·  Before concluding the Contract with Fondacija fami, the grant applicant will provide a budget estimate including value-added tax or a proof (information leaflet or website link) of expected costs of conference fee and lodging.
·  The grant beneficiary will participate financially as specified in Form 2.
· Upon the return from the conference, the grant beneficiary will submit a conference report (in the form and within the timeframe defined after the selection process), the final conference paper in electronic form (poster, Power Point presentation) that ProSes may use as a part of information sharing with the colleagues of the same profession (via project website or other means of communication).

Transitional provisions

·  Fondacija fami and ProSes project reserve the right to verify the submitted documentation and estimated costs by requesting information from the conference organizers (by phone, e-mail etc.)
·  Fondacija fami and ProSes project reserve the right to fully or partially accept the grant request or to reject all requests at any time before the beginning of the conference.
·  A failure of the grant beneficiary to comply with the responsibilities assumed by acceptance of the grant (not attend the
conference) will result in grant refund through a mutual agreement or a court settlement.