A meeting of representatives of the Embassy of Switzerland in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of Republika Srpska, Strengthening Nursing in Bosnia and Herzegovina project, selected municipalities and the Swiss Red Cross in Bosnia and Herzegovina was held on 14th March 2024 in Kozarska Dubica.
Based on signed Memoranda of Understanding for the improvement of community nursing services provision, primary health care centers in Gradiska, Kozarska Dubica, Kostajnica and Novi Grad will receive the necessary support, that is, furniture for nursing rooms, community nursing bags and training. The ultimate goal is to improve community nursing and increase its accessibility to socially excluded population groups.
Katharina Nydegger, Head of Portfolio Health and Regional Adviser on Social Inclusion at the Embassy of Switzerland, said that Switzerland continuously supports many health projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina. "We primarily focus on the primary health care level, and through that also on strengthening of the community nursing, provision of care to people and patients in their homes, especially to the elderly and people unable to get to health care centers, and those who live in rural areas far from their healthcare institutions", specified Nydegger.
Milan Latinovic, Assistant Minister of Health and Social Welfare of Republika Srpska, said that the Swiss Government supports the development of community nursing services, and that the project will be implemented in six new municipalities in the east of Republika Srpska by 2026.