Strengthening Nursing in Bosnia and Herzegovina project continues its activities to improve community nursing, this time in Sarajevo Canton and Bosnia-Podrinje Canton.
A meeting with representatives of the selected primary health care centers, cantonal ministries of health, health insurance funds, public health institutes and social work centers of these two cantons, was held in the premises of the Federal Ministry of Health.
In addition to presented planned project activities for the improvement of community nursing, the participants were informed how they can support this process through interdisciplinary and inter-professional cooperation, thus ensuring the long-term sustainability of the achieved results. Particular attention was placed to defining activities related to the establishment and strengthening of community nursing department at primary health care centers in Sarajevo Canton and Bosnia-Podrinje Canton. In this regard, envisioned training and activities related to establishing and strengthening community nursing in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, i.e. strengthening nursing, were presented.
Some of the discussed topics were job classification, introduction of nursing competencies and other necessary activities and prerequisites to establish community nursing services at the primary health care level.
Under project Component C envisioned activities to be implemented in the FBIH, related to nurses continuous professional development, the development of training programs in management and leadership knowledge and skills for head nurses and the implementation of the ICN "Leadership for Change" program in BiH, were introduced.