Yet another training "Development of management skills in nursing", organized jointly by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of Republika Srpska and the Fami Foundation was held in Jahorina. Fifteen nurses from Republika Srpska participated in this four-day training. Knowledge and experience, acquired through years of practice, in the area of nursing communication in management, change and crisis management, human resources, planning in nursing were delivered by outstanding lecturers: Dr. Milan Latinovic, Prof. Dr. Zlatko Maksimovic, Ph.D. Drasko Kupresak, Mirjana Jankovic, Branka Sladojevic, Jelena Vujic, Sladjana Vranjes.
What challenges in management do head nurses face, to what extent they are skilled in management, which factors motivate and which demotivate nurses are some of the topics discussed during the training. With particular importance and satisfaction, we highlight the signing of the "Gender Equality Charter" by all participants and lecturers, by which they pledge to give even more attention to equality in services provision to women and men, considering all their differences and needs. The Strengthen Nursing in Bosnia and Herzegovina project, among other things, strives to strengthen nurses’ management skills at all health care levels. In order to support the improvement of the health system and the quality of services to end users, it is crucial to have competent and reliable managers and leaders among the nursing workforce.
The training will continue in the forthcoming period.